In Bollywood, the Bachchan family is always in the spotlight. Recently, rumors about Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan’s relationship have fueled discussions. Although no official comment has been made on these rumors, the family continues to capture public interest. One such moment was from 2008, when Abhishek Bachchan corrected his father, Amitabh Bachchan, on his talk show during a light-hearted moment with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Amitabh Bachchan’s Popular Show Brought the Family Together
Back in 2008, Amitabh Bachchan hosted a popular talk show as part of the ‘Unforgettable Tour’. This was the first time the trio—Amitabh, Abhishek, and Aishwarya—appeared together on screen, which attracted a lot of viewers. Amitabh invited his son and daughter-in-law as guests and quizzed them about each other, leading to a memorable family moment.
The Mix-Up Between Amitabh and Abhishek Over Movie Appearances
During the show, Amitabh asked Abhishek an easy question about when Aishwarya won the Miss World title, which Abhishek answered correctly. Then, Amitabh turned to Aishwarya, asking her how many films he and Abhishek had appeared in together. Aishwarya answered confidently, saying they had done five films together. However, Amitabh quickly disagreed, stating that the correct answer was four.
Abhishek, however, wasn’t going to let this slide. He stepped in to correct his father, confirming that they had indeed worked on five films together. He listed the movies: Bunty Aur Babli, Sarkar, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, Sarkar Raj, and Ek Ajnabi. This small correction created a light-hearted moment, with Amitabh graciously accepting the mistake.
Abhishek Stood by Aishwarya in the Discussion
Abhishek’s quick reaction to support Aishwarya’s answer showed how well he knows his family’s work. Interestingly, it was the film Ek Ajnabi that Amitabh had missed, which led to the mix-up. This little moment of correction became a delightful conversation starter for fans, showing how even legends like Amitabh can sometimes forget their own filmography!