Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, kicked off with a huge surprise for both viewers and contestants. While the premiere of this popular reality show started in a familiar fun and playful tone, it quickly took a shocking turn when Salman Khan announced that two contestants, Vivian Dsena and Alice Kaushik, have already been confirmed as the top 2 finalists. This unprecedented move left everyone—including the contestants—stunned.
Salman Khan’s Shocking Revelation
Salman Khan, known for his humorous hosting, appeared as lively as ever during the show’s premiere. As the 18 contestants made their grand entry into the Bigg Boss house, all seemed normal until the final two contestants—Vivian Dsena and Alice Kaushik—stepped on stage. That’s when Salman Khan dropped the bombshell, declaring that these two were the season’s top finalists.
Naturally, both Vivian and Alice were skeptical and thought it was all part of Salman’s usual banter. However, Salman repeatedly assured them that he was serious, leaving the rest of the contestants, as well as the audience, in shock.
Bigg Boss Confirms the Decision
After some lighthearted back-and-forth, even Bigg Boss stepped in to back Salman’s claim. Bigg Boss confirmed, “It is true. These two will be the top finalists this season.” The announcement not only surprised the contestants but also left viewers wondering what the twist means for the rest of the season.
In a further statement that raised even more eyebrows, Bigg Boss said that if Vivian and Alice make it to the finale, the voting lines will only be opened for them—eliminating the suspense for the remaining contestants.
What Does This Mean for the Other Contestants?
This twist marks a departure from Bigg Boss tradition, where the competition has always remained unpredictable until the very end. The decision to declare finalists on the very first day has left the other 16 contestants feeling uncertain about their journey in the house. For the first time in Bigg Boss history, contestants have to deal with the pressure of knowing that two of their housemates have a head start towards the finale.
Audience Reaction to the Twist
This surprise twist has sparked debate on social media. Some fans feel that this could make the season more thrilling with additional layers of competition and strategy, while others are concerned that it could unfairly affect the chances of the remaining contestants. Nonetheless, with Salman Khan at the helm, viewers can expect more unexpected twists and entertaining moments in the coming weeks.