Back in 2011, Bollywood’s Shahrukh Khan and Hollywood’s Leonardo DiCaprio were set to collaborate on an ambitious film titled Extreme City. Directed by Paul Schrader and produced by Martin Scorsese, the project promised a cinematic masterpiece blending Bollywood and Hollywood. However, the film was eventually shelved, leaving fans disappointed. Recently, Paul Schrader revealed what went wrong during a podcast interview.
Why Shahrukh Khan Lost Interest in the Project
Paul Schrader explained that Shahrukh Khan, initially enthusiastic about the project, gradually became disengaged. The storyline revolved around SRK’s character, a gangster, who saves the life of an American cop played by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Schrader described SRK’s hesitation about working under a Western director. “Shah Rukh is used to running the show in Bollywood. He often hires different directors for action, musical sequences, and emotional scenes. In Extreme City, he had to work under a single writer-director and play a secondary role to Leonardo DiCaprio, which made him uncomfortable,” Schrader revealed.
Leonardo DiCaprio’s Limited Interest
While Leonardo DiCaprio was initially attached to the film, his enthusiasm waned over time. Schrader explained that DiCaprio had a secondary role, which might have led to his declining commitment. “Leo’s interest became temporary, and without his involvement, the project lost momentum,” Schrader admitted.
Paul Schrader’s Visits to Mumbai
Schrader shared how he traveled to Mumbai multiple times to meet Shahrukh Khan and work on the script. However, he noticed SRK’s diminishing commitment to the project. The director stated, “The excitement seemed to fade. Without firm commitments from either Shahrukh or Leo, the project became unfeasible.”
Salman Khan as a Replacement?
Interestingly, Schrader considered casting Salman Khan in place of SRK but ultimately dropped the idea. “Replacing Shahrukh with Salman could have created complications. If SRK found out, it would’ve been disastrous,” Schrader noted.
Despite its ambitious concept, Extreme City remains an unrealized dream for Bollywood and Hollywood fans.