The beloved game show, Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC), has returned to television screens for its 16th season, continuing to offer contestants a chance to win millions based on their knowledge. Hosted by the iconic Amitabh Bachchan, the show is known for its challenging questions and heartwarming interactions between Big B and the contestants. A recent episode aired on Wednesday, August 14, featured Sudhir Kumar, a farmer and student from Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, whose unique request for Bachchan’s shoes sparked a memorable moment.
Sudhir Kumar’s Inspiring Background
Sudhir Kumar, hailing from Unnao, is one of the many youths in India who choose to remain in their villages to support their families rather than seeking employment elsewhere. He helps his father with farming while also pursuing his studies to uplift his family’s living conditions. During the show, Sudhir shared his heartfelt story, capturing the audience’s attention and leaving Amitabh Bachchan momentarily speechless.
A Dream to Buy Land
When Amitabh Bachchan inquired about Sudhir’s aspirations for participating in KBC, Sudhir expressed his desire to win a substantial amount to buy land for his father. He revealed that his family currently owns only two bighas of land, which provides minimal income. To sustain themselves, they often have to borrow land from others. Sudhir explained, “Sir, I want to buy land for my father. We currently have only two bighas, and it’s tough to earn a living from it. We often borrow land from others.” When asked about the cost of land in his village, Sudhir responded, “A similar piece of land would cost around ₹12 lakhs.”
The Unusual Request for Amitabh Bachchan’s Shoes
In a light-hearted moment during the episode, Sudhir approached Amitabh Bachchan with an unusual request. He asked, “Sir, I have a request. If you give us your Charan Padukas (shoes), our lives would be blessed if we could take them to our village.” The audience, along with Bachchan, couldn’t help but chuckle at Sudhir’s request.
Big B’s Humorous Response
Amitabh Bachchan, known for his quick wit and charming demeanor, responded humorously, saying, “Well, it’s like this; I can’t give you these as I’m wearing them. But I’ll make sure to gift you a pair.” His response was met with laughter and applause from the audience, showcasing the warm and friendly atmosphere of the show.
Sudhir’s Family Situation
Continuing the conversation, Amitabh Bachchan asked Sudhir about his current earnings. Sudhir candidly shared that he isn’t earning anything at the moment. His father’s annual income is around ₹45,000, which translates to approximately ₹3,000 to ₹4,000 per month. Despite these financial constraints, Sudhir remains optimistic and is determined to improve his family’s situation through education and hard work.