In a dramatic turn of events on the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, host Rohit Shetty lost his cool with contestants Shaleen Bhanot and Abhishek Kumar, marking another fiery moment in a season that is proving to be more intense than ever. The incident has sparked widespread discussion among viewers, who are already hooked on the show’s high-stakes stunts and heated conflicts.
The Controversial Stunt
The tension began during a high-altitude task where Shaleen Bhanot was required to walk on a thin railing while collecting flags. As the other contestants and Rohit Shetty watched closely, Shaleen decided to sit down on the podium instead of standing, as was required by the task. Despite repeated instructions from Rohit and fellow contestants urging him to stand up, Shaleen continued to collect the flags while seated, sparking immediate controversy.
Rohit Shetty’s Outburst
Once the stunt was completed, Rohit Shetty confronted Shaleen about his performance. When asked why he did not follow the rules, Shaleen defended himself, insisting that he was standing during the task and claimed that no one instructed him otherwise. The situation escalated when fellow contestant Karan Veer Mehra stepped in, pointing out that Shaleen was indeed sitting during the stunt. This led to a tense exchange, with Shaleen responding rudely to Karan Veer’s comments.
The confrontation took a more serious turn when Rohit Shetty sought confirmation from Shaleen’s close friend and fellow contestant, Abhishek Kumar. When questioned, Abhishek initially supported Shaleen’s claim, but when pressed further, he admitted that Shaleen was not standing. However, Abhishek tried to justify the situation by saying, “No sir, I did it while sitting. But it is not known there.” This explanation did not sit well with Rohit Shetty, who then lost his temper, scolding both Shaleen and Abhishek for their conduct. Rohit sternly warned Abhishek, saying, “Don’t justify, Abhishek. Now you have come to the point that I will start getting angry.”
Asim Riaz’s Elimination
This latest incident comes on the heels of another intense moment in the show, where contestant Asim Riaz was eliminated following a heated confrontation with Rohit Shetty. Asim had failed to complete a challenging task and accused the show’s team of setting him up with an impossible challenge. The situation escalated quickly, leading to a verbal altercation between Asim and Rohit. Matters took a violent turn when Asim, frustrated by the outcome, attempted to attack Abhishek Kumar with a shoe in hand after Abhishek tried to intervene. This outburst resulted in Asim’s immediate eviction from the show.
Ongoing Drama in Khatron Ke Khiladi 14
Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 has been a rollercoaster of emotions, with tensions running high among contestants as they face increasingly difficult challenges. The show, known for its high-adrenaline stunts, is now also becoming infamous for the clashes and confrontations between participants. The recent incidents involving Rohit Shetty, Shaleen Bhanot, Abhishek Kumar, and Asim Riaz have only added to the drama, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
As the season progresses, viewers are eagerly waiting to see how these conflicts will impact the dynamics among the contestants. With Rohit Shetty at the helm, known for his no-nonsense approach, it remains to be seen how future episodes will unfold, and whether the contestants will be able to keep their tempers in check as they compete for the ultimate title.