In the latest season of Rohit Shetty’s adventure reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Shilpa Shinde and Krishna Shroff were initially eliminated but have made a dramatic comeback as wild card contestants. Their return has been a highlight of the show, and while their fellow contestants may not be thrilled, Krishna’s father, Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, is over the moon.
Jackie Shroff’s Reaction to Krishna’s Return
To celebrate Krishna’s re-entry into the show, Jackie Shroff posted a video on social media, showcasing his admiration for his daughter and fellow contestant Shilpa Shinde. In the video, Jackie attempts to replicate a challenging underwater stunt that Krishna and Shilpa performed on the show. The stunt involved holding their breath underwater for nearly 10 minutes while completing a task, a feat that impressed not only the show’s host, Rohit Shetty, but also viewers and, of course, Jackie Shroff.
Jackie Shroff Attempts the Stunt
In the video, Jackie Shroff, affectionately known as ‘Apna Bhidu,’ is seen preparing to dive into a swimming pool. He praises Krishna and Shilpa for their bravery, saying, “Shilpa, Krishna, I am also trying it out, and you all can see how difficult this stunt actually is. You were underwater for about 10 minutes, completing the task. I am just trying to see if I can do the same.”
Jackie then attempts to stay underwater but struggles with his breath control and quickly surfaces. After his attempt, he turns to the camera and admits, “This stunt is really very difficult. I couldn’t do it, but you both did it. Hats off to you. Baba log, this stunt is tough. Children, I salute you.”
Krishna and Shilpa Respond to Jackie’s Praise
Krishna Shroff and Shilpa Shinde were quick to respond to Jackie’s video. Krishna called it “the best video on the internet today,” to which Jackie replied with a plant and heart emoji, calling her a “dangerous girl.” Shilpa Shinde also expressed her gratitude, commenting, “Oh my God, thank you,” and sent a “magical hug” to Jackie.
Krishna Shroff and Shilpa Shinde’s Journey on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14
Both Krishna and Shilpa faced challenges that led to their initial eliminations—Krishna due to a partner’s mistake and Shilpa due to a stroke of bad luck. However, their return as wild card contestants has given them another chance to prove their mettle. In a recent episode, they impressed everyone with their performance in an underwater stunt, which required immense courage and physical endurance.
Rohit Shetty, known for his tough stunts, praised both Krishna and Shilpa for their determination and bravery. Their return has added a new layer of excitement to the show, as they are now stronger contenders.
A Proud Moment for Jackie Shroff
Jackie Shroff’s public display of support for his daughter Krishna and her co-contestant Shilpa Shinde highlights the pride he feels in their accomplishments. His attempt at the stunt, despite not being successful, serves as a testament to the difficulty of the challenges the contestants face on Khatron Ke Khiladi.