Karan Johar, the renowned filmmaker and doting father, recently shared a heartwarming video of his daughter Roohi Johar on Instagram. In the clip, Roohi is seen engaging in a playful conversation with Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, trying to get it to sing a song. The video, posted on August 24, has quickly gained attention, with fans and celebrities alike reacting to Roohi’s adorable antics. However, the post also led to a surprising question from a user that caught Karan off guard.
Roohi’s Conversation with Siri: A Dose of Cuteness
In the video, young Roohi confidently asks Siri, “Sing a song.” When Siri fails to respond, she insists, “I did not like this. You sing a proper song, that too with rhythm.” The situation becomes even more amusing when, after receiving no response, Roohi scolds Siri, saying, “Be professional. Please.” Karan captioned the post, “Roohi vs Siri,” capturing the light-hearted moment perfectly.
The video was met with an outpouring of love from Karan’s followers, including several Bollywood celebrities. Stars like Ali Fazal, Ayushmann Khurrana, Shilpa Shetty, Manish Malhotra, Saba Pataudi, and Delnaaz Irani reacted with laughter and heart emojis, showing their appreciation for the little one’s innocence.
The Unexpected Question: Who is Roohi’s Mother?
Among the many positive comments, one particular query stood out. A user, seemingly unaware of Karan Johar’s family background, asked, “Who is Roohi’s mother? Can someone tell me? I am confused.” The question seemed to catch Karan by surprise, prompting him to respond with his signature wit. Karan replied, “Me too. I am upset with this confusing situation of yours. That’s why I had to answer your question.”
For those unfamiliar, Karan Johar became a father to twins, Yash and Roohi, through surrogacy in 2017. Yash was named after Karan’s late father, Yash Johar, while Roohi’s name is a rearrangement of his mother Hiroo Johar’s name. Karan has always been open about his journey into parenthood and frequently shares delightful moments of his children on social media, much to the joy of his followers.
The Curious Minds of Yash and Roohi
As the twins grow older, their curiosity about their origins has naturally increased. Karan has spoken candidly about this in interviews. In a recent conversation with Faye D’Souza, he mentioned that both Yash and Roohi have begun asking questions about their birth. They are aware that Hiroo Johar is their grandmother, not their mother, and have started inquiring about whose womb they were born from. To navigate these complex topics, Karan has sought the guidance of a counselor to help the children understand their unique family structure.
A Father’s Journey
Karan Johar’s journey as a single parent has been inspiring for many. Balancing a successful career in the film industry with the demands of parenthood, he often shares insights into his experiences raising Yash and Roohi. The recent video of Roohi’s interaction with Siri is just another example of the joy and humor that fill their household. Through these shared moments, Karan continues to connect with his audience on a personal level, offering glimpses into the love and laughter that define his life as a father.
In a world where social media can often feel overwhelming, it’s moments like these—simple, joyful, and unfiltered—that resonate with people, reminding us of the importance of family and the small moments that make life special. Karan Johar’s Instagram is a testament to that, filled with snapshots of his life with Yash and Roohi, each post a reminder of the love that binds them together.