The Malayalam film industry is once again under scrutiny as more allegations of sexual harassment emerge. This time, the focus is on actor-director Baburaj, who has been accused of serious misconduct by a junior artist. The allegations come at a time when the industry is still reeling from the revelations of the Hema Committee report, which highlighted numerous instances of sexual abuse and harassment within the industry.
A Dark Shadow Over Mollywood
The latest accusation is part of a larger trend that has seen several prominent figures in the Malayalam film industry being named in cases of sexual harassment. The #MeToo movement, which took the world by storm, has found a stronghold in Kerala, leading to a wave of complaints against high-profile personalities.
After the recent allegations against director Ranjit and actor-producer Siddiqui, the controversy has now engulfed Baburaj, a well-known figure in the industry. The junior artist, who has chosen to remain anonymous, has accused Baburaj of raping her at his house in Aluva, Kerala. She alleges that she was lured to his residence under the pretext of discussing a potential role in a film, only to find herself in a vulnerable situation.
The Incident at Baburaj’s Residence
According to the artist, Baburaj invited her to his home, promising that the film’s director, scriptwriter, and production controller would also be present to discuss her role. However, when she arrived, she found only Baburaj and his assistant at the house. The artist alleges that Baburaj used this opportunity to assault her. She recounts how she was shown to a room to rest, only to be later subjected to the actor’s advances.
“He called me to discuss a role with other filmmakers. I trusted him and went to his house, but there was no one else there. He invited me for dinner, and when I opened the door, he forced himself on me,” the artist claimed in her statement.
Baburaj’s Response
Baburaj, who also serves as the joint secretary of the Malayalam Movie Actors Association, has vehemently denied the accusations. He has stated that these allegations are part of a conspiracy to tarnish his reputation and prevent him from advancing in the industry. Baburaj has threatened legal action against the accuser, maintaining that he is innocent.
In his response to the media, Baburaj suggested that these accusations were timed to coincide with his potential appointment to a key position in the association, following the resignation of actor-producer Siddiqui, who stepped down after facing similar allegations.
Delay in Filing the Complaint
The junior artist has revealed that she did not immediately file a complaint after the incident, citing personal reasons. It was only a year later that she contacted Sashidharan, a senior police officer in Ernakulam district, who advised her to file a First Information Report (FIR). The artist disclosed that she was abroad with her husband at the time and had planned to lodge the complaint with the Special Investigation Team (SIT) upon her return.
She stated, “I was abroad when I decided to file the FIR. A DIG-rank officer from the SIT contacted me. I told him I would file the complaint once I returned. I am hoping for justice because I believe the SIT will conduct a fair investigation.”
A Plea for Safety in the Industry
The artist’s allegations have once again highlighted the pervasive issue of sexual harassment in the Malayalam film industry. She emphasized that her experience is not isolated, and that many other women in the industry have faced similar harassment and abuse. She has called on both the central and state governments to create a safer working environment for women in the film industry.
“The government must take strict action against those responsible for sexual abuse and harassment. These incidents are increasing, and women who suffer need proper support and protection,” she urged.
A Growing Crisis
The Malayalam film industry has been grappling with a series of controversies following the release of the Hema Committee report, which brought to light numerous cases of misconduct. The recent allegations against Baburaj only add to the growing list of industry insiders accused of exploiting their positions of power.
As the #MeToo movement continues to gain momentum in Kerala, the industry faces increasing pressure to address these serious issues and ensure that justice is served.