Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, tied the knot with his long-time partner Radhika Merchant on July 12, 2024, at the grand Jio World Centre in Mumbai. The event was a star-studded affair with many Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities attending. Amidst the buzz, a rumor surfaced claiming that celebrities were paid to attend the wedding. However, actress Ananya Pandey recently put an end to these speculations by revealing the truth during an interview.
Ananya Pandey Calls the Rumors Baseless
During an interaction with Mashable India, Ananya was asked about the circulating rumor that celebrities were paid to attend the grand wedding. “These are all baseless rumors,” Ananya said firmly. She explained that everyone who attended the wedding did so willingly, out of love and friendship. Ananya herself attended the wedding because Anant and Radhika are her close friends.
Ananya shared her disbelief over the rumors, saying, “They are my friends, why would anyone think otherwise? Of course, I danced my heart out at my friends’ wedding. There’s no question of money being involved.” She further spoke fondly about the couple’s relationship, emphasizing the deep bond they share.
The Beautiful Bond Between Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant
Ananya didn’t just stop at clearing the air about the rumors. She also opened up about the sweet relationship between Anant and Radhika. “Their relationship is really pure and full of love,” she shared. She described how, despite all the festivities around them, whenever Anant and Radhika looked at each other, it was evident that their connection was genuine and filled with affection. “It felt like violins were playing every time they looked at each other,” she added, expressing admiration for their love.
Ananya also expressed her desire for a similar bond in her own life. “No matter how chaotic things get around you, it’s important that you and your partner always stand by each other,” she said.
A Grand Welcome for Every Guest at the Wedding
Praising the Ambani family, Ananya highlighted how warmly they welcomed all their guests. “The Ambani family ensured every guest felt personally welcomed,” Ananya said, recalling how gracious the family was throughout the wedding events. The numerous functions were filled with grandeur, yet the Ambanis managed to make everyone feel at home with their hospitality. “This is something rare and beautiful about them,” she added, appreciating their ability to maintain a personal touch despite hosting such a large event.
Ananya Pandey’s Upcoming Web Series “Call Me Bae”
While Ananya was in the news for her appearance at the Ambani wedding, she is also making waves with her upcoming web series “Call Me Bae.” This is Ananya’s first web series, and it has already generated a lot of buzz. The show stars Ananya as Bela Choudhary, a rich girl from South Delhi who gets thrown out of her family’s luxurious life after her secret affair with her gym trainer is revealed.
The show also features popular actors such as Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Lara Dutta, and Varun Sood. It is expected to be a fun, engaging series that brings a fresh twist to the usual rich-girl-falls-from-grace storylines. “Call Me Bae” showcases Bela’s journey as she leaves behind her wealthy background and moves to Mumbai to start afresh.