In a heartbreaking turn of events, Malaika Arora’s father, Anil Arora, passed away by suicide. The shocking news has left Malaika and her family devastated. Upon hearing about the incident, her ex-husband Arbaaz Khan immediately rushed to her house to offer support during this difficult time.
Malaika, who was in Pune when the incident happened, hurried back home upon receiving the news. Arbaaz, despite their separation after 20 years of marriage, stood by her side, setting aside all past differences to support her and her family. Upon his arrival at Malaika’s residence, paparazzi surrounded him, but Arbaaz chose to maintain his silence and quickly entered the house, respecting the gravity of the situation.
Reports suggest that Anil Arora had been suffering from health issues and was admitted to the hospital in July 2023. Sadly, on September 11, 2024, he reportedly took his life by jumping from the roof of his house. Initial investigations by the police have not recovered any suicide note, and his body has been sent for a postmortem.
Arbaaz had shared a good bond with Anil Arora even after his divorce from Malaika, showing respect for her parents despite their differences. The entire family is now grieving this tragic loss.