Bollywood actress Ayesha Takia, who recently faced severe online trolling, has made a confident return to Instagram, silencing her critics with a new post. The Wanted actress had deactivated her account after intense scrutiny over her appearance, particularly following a viral photo in which she was seen in a blue and gold saree with pink-toned makeup. Fans and trolls alike commented that she looked unrecognizable, sparking rumors of plastic surgery.
Ayesha Takia’s Response to Online Trolling
Two days after deactivating her Instagram account, Ayesha returned to the platform with a subtle yet powerful message for her detractors. She shared a boomerang video of herself wearing a black tee and jeans, captioning it with a hint of sarcasm: “Too shy, too brainy.” This post was accompanied by an Instagram story where she wrote, “Did you see how I didn’t react? Too temperamental, too cute, too shy.”
These posts seem to be Ayesha’s way of addressing the negativity she has faced, without directly engaging with the trolls. Her response has been widely appreciated by her fans, who praised her for handling the situation with grace and wit.
Earlier Incident at the Airport
This is not the first time Ayesha has faced criticism for her appearance. Earlier this year, she was trolled for her look at the airport. Instead of reacting negatively, Ayesha responded with a cryptic yet profound message on social media. She wrote, “You can’t control how people perceive your energy. Everything you do or say is filtered through whatever they’re going through at the moment; it’s not entirely about you.” Along with this message, she posted a selfie with the caption, “Love and peace.”
This incident, like the recent one, highlighted Ayesha’s calm and composed approach to dealing with public scrutiny, choosing to focus on positivity rather than negativity.
Ayesha Takia’s Career and Personal Life
Ayesha Takia gained fame with several Bollywood films, including Wanted, Tarzan: The Wonder Car, and Socha Na Tha. Known for her bubbly personality and charming screen presence, Ayesha became a beloved figure in the industry.
At the age of 23, Ayesha married Farhan Azmi, a restaurateur based in Mumbai. The couple welcomed their son, Mikail, in 2013. Since then, Ayesha has largely stayed away from the limelight, focusing on her family life. Despite her absence from the big screen, she continues to have a loyal fan base who admire her for her previous work and her graceful handling of public life.
Ayesha’s Quiet Strength
Ayesha Takia’s recent return to Instagram after facing trolling is a testament to her quiet strength. By choosing not to engage directly with her critics and instead posting messages that emphasize her own self-worth and confidence, Ayesha has set an example for many on how to handle negativity with poise. Her fans continue to support her, appreciating her for the dignity with which she handles public scrutiny. As she moves forward, Ayesha remains a figure of inspiration, showing that it’s possible to rise above the noise and stay true to oneself.