Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film Emergency has found itself embroiled in controversy even before its release. The film, where Kangana portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has sparked outrage, particularly among members of the Sikh community. The trailer, which was recently released, has drawn criticism from Punjab’s independent MP Sarabjit Singh Khalsa, who claims that the film misrepresents Sikhs, leading to demands for its ban.
Allegations of Misrepresentation
Sarabjit Singh Khalsa, the son of Beant Singh—who was involved in the assassination of Indira Gandhi—has raised strong objections to certain scenes in the Emergency trailer. He alleges that the film portrays Sikhs in a negative light, particularly in relation to the turbulent period of the 1980s in Punjab, which included Operation Blue Star. Khalsa has accused the film of depicting Sikhs as separatists or terrorists, a portrayal he believes is both harmful and inaccurate.
Khalsa’s concerns center around the film’s depiction of events related to Operation Blue Star, a military action ordered by Indira Gandhi to remove Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his followers from the Golden Temple. He argues that the film’s portrayal of these events is part of a “deep conspiracy” to malign the Sikh community.
Demands for Government Intervention
In response to the trailer, Sarabjit Singh Khalsa has written a letter to the central government, urging them to stop the release of Emergency. He has labeled the film as a “psychological attack” against Sikhs, and is calling on the government to intervene before it can “incite hatred” against Sikhs, both within India and abroad.
Khalsa’s appeal has resonated with many in Punjab, where there is growing support for a ban on the film. Sikh community members across various districts are reportedly writing to their local District Collectors (DCs), echoing Khalsa’s demands. There are even reports that some organizations are planning to protest against the film’s release.
Growing Controversy
The controversy surrounding Emergency has only added to the film’s already intense spotlight. Kangana Ranaut, known for her bold and often controversial roles, has not yet responded to these latest accusations. The film, which delves into one of India’s most contentious historical periods, was always likely to provoke strong reactions, but the level of opposition from the Sikh community may complicate its release.
As of now, Emergency is scheduled to hit theaters nationwide on September 6. However, with the growing demand for a ban and the potential for protests, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold. The controversy has sparked a broader debate about the portrayal of historical events in Indian cinema and the responsibilities of filmmakers in depicting sensitive issues.