On the auspicious second day of Ganesh Chaturthi, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh became proud parents to a baby girl. The couple shared the joyful news with their fans on September 8, 2024, announcing the arrival of their daughter, whom fans are already calling a “mini-Deepika.” Ranveer, who had previously expressed his desire to have a daughter, is overjoyed with the birth of his baby girl.
Shah Rukh Khan and Ambanis Visit the New Parents
Soon after the news broke, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and the Ambani family were spotted visiting Deepika at HN Hospital to congratulate the couple. The close bond between Shah Rukh and Deepika was evident as he welcomed the new addition to their family with love and blessings. The Ambanis, who have always shared a warm relationship with the couple, are also set to welcome little Laxmi into their home.
Deepika May Follow Aishwarya’s Hands-On Parenting Approach
Sources suggest that Deepika Padukone might take inspiration from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s approach to parenting. Like Aishwarya, who chose to personally raise her daughter Aaradhya without a nanny, Deepika is considering taking the same route. Aishwarya’s dedication to being a hands-on mom, even earning praise from Jaya Bachchan, has reportedly influenced Deepika’s own parenting plans.
Anushka Sharma and Alia Bhatt’s Parenting Styles Also Inspire
Deepika may not only be inspired by Aishwarya but also by Anushka Sharma and Alia Bhatt. According to insiders, Deepika and Ranveer may follow in Anushka’s footsteps by keeping their daughter away from media attention for now, ensuring her privacy. Like Alia, Deepika might wait until her daughter is older before introducing her to the world, balancing privacy with her public life.
A Special Bond with Aishwarya
During Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding earlier this year, a heartwarming moment between Deepika and Aishwarya took place. Both actresses, radiant in red traditional outfits, shared an emotional embrace, sparking admiration from their fans. This moment, especially meaningful to Deepika during her pregnancy, further strengthened the bond between the two.