The iconic Bollywood film ‘Aashiqui,’ produced by Mukesh Bhatt in 1990, became a massive hit and is still remembered for its soulful music and romantic storyline. The film created a legacy that Bhatt continued with ‘Aashiqui 2’ in 2013, which was also a big success. However, a legal battle recently unfolded over the use of the ‘Aashiqui’ name, and the Delhi High Court has now delivered a verdict in favor of Mukesh Bhatt.
The conflict began when Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Mukesh Bhatt’s Special Films initially collaborated to make ‘Aashiqui 2.’ Following its success, both companies were keen on creating a third installment, ‘Aashiqui 3.’ However, T-Series announced another film titled ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui’ or ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui Hai,’ without Mukesh Bhatt’s involvement. This led Bhatt’s company to file a petition against T-Series, arguing that the title ‘Aashiqui’ was being used without his consent.
Mukesh Bhatt’s Stand on the Issue
Mukesh Bhatt claimed that the ‘Aashiqui’ franchise was his brainchild, co-created with the late Gulshan Kumar, Bhushan’s father. Bhatt expressed that T-Series was using the title without acknowledging his role or seeking his permission. He felt that the legacy he had built was being jeopardized by Bhushan Kumar’s actions.
Speaking about the issue, Mukesh Bhatt said, “When we started ‘Aashiqui’ in 1990, it was a project full of honesty and passion. We introduced new talent and created something special that resonated with the audience. When we made ‘Aashiqui 2’ after 21 years, we aimed to recreate that magic with new actors, new music directors, and fresh music. It took us two years to finalize the music for ‘Aashiqui 2,’ and we knew that it was made with the same love and dedication as the original.”
Bhatt further added, “Gulshan ji and I worked hard to build this franchise, and now Bhushan’s actions are harming it. The way he’s handling things is causing damage to the ‘Aashiqui’ brand, and I had no choice but to take legal action. This franchise is not just ours; it belongs to the audience. I had to step in to preserve the purity of ‘Aashiqui’ for the fans. I’m not interested in legal battles, but I had to act to ensure that the right decision was made.”
The Court’s Verdict
The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Mukesh Bhatt, prohibiting T-Series and any other third party from using the title ‘Aashiqui’ in any of their projects. This includes titles like ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui’ or ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui Hai.’ The court’s decision is a significant win for Bhatt, ensuring that the legacy of ‘Aashiqui’ remains intact and under his control.
What’s Next for ‘Aashiqui 3’?
While ‘Aashiqui 3’ is currently in the works, the film has been making headlines due to this legal dispute. Actor Kartik Aaryan is expected to play the lead role in the film, but there hasn’t been an official announcement regarding its release date. The court’s ruling may delay the production, but fans are eagerly waiting for updates on this much-anticipated sequel.
Mukesh Bhatt’s Final Thoughts
In his final remarks, Mukesh Bhatt expressed gratitude for the court’s decision. He emphasized that the fight was never about money or power, but about protecting the integrity of the ‘Aashiqui’ brand for the fans who have loved it for decades. With this legal victory, Mukesh Bhatt can now focus on ensuring that ‘Aashiqui 3’ lives up to the expectations set by its predecessors.
As the legal dust settles, all eyes are on the next steps for the ‘Aashiqui’ franchise. Will Bhatt and T-Series find common ground, or will this be the end of their collaboration on the beloved series? Only time will tell, but for now, the ‘Aashiqui’ legacy is safe in the hands of its original creator.