The Film Federation of India (FFI) has chosen Missing Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, as India’s official entry in the Best Foreign Film category for the 2025 Academy Awards. This decision was made after a tough competition between 29 remarkable films, with Missing Ladies ultimately coming out on top. Several highly anticipated and successful films, including Kalki 2898 AD, Animal, and Hanuman-Man, were in the running but didn’t cut.
Let’s take a closer look at the films that were part of the race, and how Missing Ladies managed to clinch the spot for India at the Oscars.
Missing Ladies’ Journey to the Oscars
Kiran Rao, who returned to filmmaking after a long break, has expressed her excitement and gratitude for Missing Ladies being selected for the prestigious Oscars. The film has been lauded for its strong storytelling and the hard work put in by the entire cast and crew. Rao mentioned that this recognition is a testament to the dedication and commitment of her team, and she feels incredibly honored that her film will represent India at the Oscars.
But why Missing Ladies? The film resonated with the jury members of the Film Federation of India for its unique narrative and approach, making it a standout choice among the other entries.
Top Box Office Hits Left Behind in the Oscars Race
Despite their strong box office performances and large fan bases, several major films were left behind in the race to become India’s official Oscars entry. Here are some of the top contenders that didn’t make it:
- Kalki 2898 AD
This Telugu science fiction epic was a major box office hit, earning a whopping ₹1041.65 crore worldwide. The film, set in a futuristic world, had a huge following and was one of the top contenders. - Animal
Starring Ranbir Kapoor, Animal was another high-grossing film that earned ₹915 crore globally. Despite its massive success, it couldn’t secure the spot for the Oscars. - Hanuman-Man
This film, which made ₹295 crore at the box office, was also in the running. However, it didn’t make the final cut. - Article 370
Another Hindi film in the race, Article 370 earned ₹105.01 crore and was among the contenders, but like others, it was ultimately left behind.
Malayalam and Tamil Films in the Running
Malayalam and Tamil cinema also had some strong contenders vying for the Oscars entry, but they too fell short:
- 2018: Everyone is a Hero
Directed by Jude Anthony Thomas and starring Tovino Thomas, this Malayalam film made a big splash at the box office and was critically acclaimed. However, despite its success, it couldn’t beat Missing Ladies for the Oscars spot. - Ullozhukku
Directed by Christy Tomy, Ullozhukku was released in June 2024 and received a 7.6/10 rating on IMDb. It was another Malayalam film in the running. - Attam
This Malayalam film, with an impressive IMDb rating of 8.2/10, was one of the highly rated films in the competition but didn’t make the final cut. - Tangalan
A big name in Tamil cinema, Tangalan, starring Chiyaan Vikram, was also in the race. The film has a strong fan base, but it couldn’t secure the Oscars entry. - Maharaja
Another critically acclaimed Tamil film, Maharaja featuring Vijay Sethupathi and Anurag Kashyap, was left behind. Despite its strong reviews, it couldn’t make the list.