Malayalam actor Vinayakan was arrested on the evening of September 7 at Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport for allegedly causing a disturbance while intoxicated. The incident occurred when the actor, who had arrived from Kochi on an Indigo flight and was heading to Goa, reportedly misbehaved with airport staff at the gate.
According to Inspector K Balaraju of the RGI Airport Police Station, the actor was under the influence of alcohol and created a scene at the airport. CISF personnel, responsible for airport security, intervened and handed Vinayakan over to the police. The authorities immediately registered a case against him under the City Police Act.
This is not the first time Vinayakan has been in trouble with the law. In 2023, the actor was arrested for obstructing the duties of a police officer and for using abusive language while intoxicated. The incident took place at the Ernakulam Town North Police Station, where Vinayakan had been summoned about a dispute with his wife.
‘Jailer’ Actor Vinayakan Detained for Misbehavior at Hyderabad Airport
Vinayakan’s controversial behavior has also landed him in hot water on other occasions. He was previously booked under the Kerala Police Act for making derogatory remarks about former Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy and for his controversial comments during the MeToo movement. Despite these incidents, the actor has continued to maintain a presence in the Malayalam film industry.