The April 14 firing incident outside Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s residence, Galaxy Apartments, has taken a dramatic turn. Two accused in the case, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, currently jailed in Mumbai’s Taloja Central Jail, have expressed fears for their lives. According to their lawyer, the accused believe they are being targeted for murder by henchmen of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim.
Accused Fear Murder Plot in Jail
Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were arrested for the firing incident outside Salman Khan’s house. While the Mumbai Police continue their investigation, the two claim that their lives are in danger. Their lawyer revealed that they have submitted a complaint to jail authorities, fearing that Dawood Ibrahim’s men are planning their murder.
Speaking to news agency ANI, the lawyer stated that both Vicky and Sagar’s families have written letters to the Maharashtra and Bihar governments, seeking protection for the accused in jail. Although the exact details of how they received threats inside jail remain unclear, their lawyer insisted that Dawood’s involvement in the conspiracy cannot be ruled out.
Family Seeks Protection for the Accused
In response to the death threats, Vicky Gupta’s brother Sonu Gupta and Sagar Pal’s brother Rahul Pal have sent letters to both the central and state governments, requesting security. The accused, who hail from Majharia village in West Champaran, Bihar, are lodged in Taloja Central Jail, Mumbai. Their family members, after meeting them in jail, reported that the duo feared for their lives, alleging that Dawood Ibrahim’s henchmen were plotting to kill them.
Link to Anuj Thapan’s Death
The fear of being murdered in custody is heightened by the case of Anuj Thapan, another accused in the Salman Khan firing case, who allegedly died by suicide while in police custody. Anuj’s name has been mentioned in the letter addressed to the authorities, where Vicky and Sagar expressed concerns that their fate might be similar to that of Anuj.
Accusations Against Salman Khan
Adding a twist to the case, the lawyer representing Vicky and Sagar claims that Salman Khan himself might have connections with certain gangsters. According to the accused, the actor could be involved in a plot to have them killed. As a result, they have requested additional safety measures in jail through official applications to jail authorities.
Arrest and Investigation
Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were arrested by Mumbai Police from Gujarat after the April 14 incident when two men on a motorcycle opened fire outside Salman Khan’s house early in the morning. During the investigation, 32-year-old Anuj Thapan, who was arrested in connection with the case, allegedly died while in police custody.
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Lawrence Bishnoi Gang’s Involvement
According to Mumbai Crime Branch officials, the attack was planned by gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother Anmol Bishnoi, both of whom are wanted in connection with the case. Shortly after the firing incident, Anmol Bishnoi took responsibility for the attack through a Facebook post. Authorities have since issued a red corner notice against Anmol.
The incident has drawn comparisons to a recent attack at singer AP Dhillon’s house in Canada, which was also linked to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Rohit Godara, a member of the gang, claimed responsibility for the attack, suggesting that it was due to Dhillon’s increasing closeness to Salman Khan.