Rajinikanth, the iconic superstar of Indian cinema, is known for his charismatic presence and unique style. Despite being one of the most beloved actors in the country, Rajinikanth has faced his share of amusing moments off-screen. One such incident, involving a humorous exchange about his hair and his co-star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, recently resurfaced and is making waves on social media.
The Unlikely Encounter with a Neighbor
During a recent conversation, Rajinikanth shared a light-hearted story from the time he was shooting for the blockbuster film Robot. The film, which featured Aishwarya Rai Bachchan opposite Rajinikanth, was a massive hit, particularly loved for the chemistry between its leads. However, back then, not everyone was convinced about this pairing.
Rajinikanth recounted an encounter with an elderly man, who was his neighbor at his brother’s house in Bangalore. The man, in his 60s, was curious about Rajinikanth’s well-being and noticed his thinning hair. With a mix of genuine concern and teasing, the neighbor asked, “Rajni, what happened to your hair?”
Rajinikanth, with his trademark humility, admitted, “Yes, they have fallen off.” The neighbor then suggested that Rajinikanth should consider retiring. Unfazed, Rajinikanth responded, “No, I am currently working on a film called Robot.”
The Neighbor’s Surprising Reaction
The conversation took a humorous turn when Rajinikanth mentioned Aishwarya Rai’s involvement in the film. The neighbor, impressed by the mention of Aishwarya, asked, “Who is the hero in the film with Aishwarya?” When Rajinikanth revealed, “I am the hero,” the neighbor fell silent.
Rajinikanth recalled how the man stared at him for a long ten minutes, seemingly trying to process the information. After the pause, he simply said goodbye and walked away. As the neighbor left, Rajinikanth overheard him muttering to himself, “What will happen to Aishwarya, she is the heroine and that too with him.”
Fans Loved Rajinikanth and Aishwarya’s On-Screen Pairing
Despite the humorous skepticism from the elderly neighbor, Rajinikanth and Aishwarya’s on-screen pairing in Robot was well-received. The film was a massive hit, with audiences appreciating the chemistry between the two stars, proving that age is just a number when it comes to Rajinikanth’s charm and screen presence. The movie’s success showcased Rajinikanth’s ability to defy expectations and entertain audiences, regardless of his age or appearance.
Rajinikanth’s Everlasting Stardom
Even at the age of 73, Rajinikanth continues to enjoy immense popularity and fan following. He remains one of the most bankable stars in Indian cinema, with fans eagerly awaiting each of his releases. His upcoming film, Vettaiyan, set to release on October 10, is already generating buzz. Fans are excited to see their favorite superstar back on the big screen, and expectations are high for another hit.
Rajinikanth’s story about the neighbor’s reaction is a reminder of his grounded nature and sense of humor. Despite his superstardom, he remains approachable and relatable, always ready to share a laugh, even at his own expense. This incident not only highlights his enduring appeal but also his ability to connect with fans on a personal level, ensuring his place in the hearts of millions.