Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, known for her style and outspoken nature, recently found herself at the center of online attention once again. A video of Sonam speaking at a recent event has gone viral, attracting both admiration and criticism from netizens. Dressed elegantly in a black floral satin dress, paired with delicate earrings and a soft makeup look, Sonam looked stunning as she answered questions about her favorite things.
The Viral Video and the Accent Debate
In the video, Sonam candidly shared her love for London as her favorite destination and mentioned brands like Vogue, Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla, and Anamika Khanna as her top fashion choices. She also talked about her favorite makeup product, a light pink blush, and discussed her preferred GCC brands. However, what caught the attention of social media users wasn’t just her fashion sense but her accent.
Trolling and Memes
As the video gained traction, some netizens began to troll Sonam for what they perceived as a “fake accent.” Comments ranged from light-hearted jokes to more critical remarks. One user humorously commented that their “ears were bleeding” due to the accent, while another pointed out similarities between Sonam’s voice and that of actor Ranveer Singh when he was imitated on the show “Koffee with Karan.” Memes quickly followed, with users poking fun at the way Sonam spoke in the video.
Online Reactions: A Mixed Bag
While some criticized Sonam, others defended her, pointing out that she has always had a particular way of speaking and that this isn’t new. A few users even compared her accent to the speech patterns of people they know, suggesting that it’s not unusual. Despite the mixed reactions, the video has certainly kept Sonam in the spotlight, proving once again that she knows how to grab attention, whether through her fashion choices or the way she speaks.