In a significant development, the Supreme Court granted bail to Sunil NS, also known as Pulsar Suni, the prime accused in the 2017 Kerala actress abuse case. The incident, which shocked the nation, involved the kidnapping and molestation of a popular actress from the South Indian film industry. Pulsar Suni, who has been in custody for over seven years, appealed to the Supreme Court after the Kerala High Court rejected his bail plea.
A bench consisting of Justices AS Oka and Pankaj Mithal took note of Suni’s prolonged imprisonment and the fact that the trial is unlikely to be concluded soon. The court directed that Suni be presented before the lower court within a week to determine the conditions of his bail. The prosecution has been given the right to argue for strict bail conditions to ensure that Suni does not evade justice.
The 2017 Incident: Actress Kidnapped and Molested
On the night of 17 February 2017, the actress, who has appeared in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam films, was abducted by a group of men while she was traveling in a car. She was reportedly molested for two hours before the attackers fled. To further torment her, the accused filmed the assault, intending to use the footage to blackmail her. This horrific incident sent shockwaves through the film industry and led to widespread outrage.
Several arrests were made in connection with the case, including popular actor Dileep, who was accused of being involved in the conspiracy. While Dileep was arrested and later released on bail, the case continues to attract significant media attention due to its high-profile nature and the involvement of prominent figures from the film industry.
The Formation of the Justice Hema Committee
The case also led to the formation of the Justice Hema Committee in 2019. Responding to public outcry and pressure from the film fraternity, the Kerala government constituted a three-member committee to examine the working conditions of women in the Malayalam film industry. The committee was headed by retired judge Justice K Hema, with former actress Sharada and retired IAS officer KB Valsala Kumari as its other members.
The committee conducted interviews with various stakeholders, including actors, directors, technicians, producers, and representatives from the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC). Its objective was to assess the safety and status of women in the industry and highlight issues of harassment and exploitation. The report took two years to compile, and on 31 December 2019, it was submitted to the Kerala government.
Shocking Revelations from the Justice Hema Committee
The findings of the Justice Hema Committee were finally made public on 18 August 2024, sending shockwaves through the Malayalam film industry. The report exposed several cases of harassment and exploitation faced by women, especially those working behind the scenes. It also shed light on the lack of support systems for women in the industry and the rampant gender inequality.