Shekhar Home transports viewers to the early 1990s, set in the quiet town of Lonpur in Bengal. The story centers on Shekhar, portrayed by KK Menon, a detective who, alongside Inspector Laha (played by Rudranil Ghosh), delves into the intricacies of a murder case. The narrative takes an interesting turn with the introduction of Jayvrat Saini, an ex-army doctor played by Ranvir Shorey, who becomes Shekhar’s new partner. Together, they unravel mysteries that range from blackmail and murder to supernatural occurrences.
Trailer and Direction
The web series is the brainchild of creators Aniruddha Guha and Srijit Mukherjee, with the directorial baton shared between Srijit Mukherjee and Rohan Sippy. Drawing inspiration from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, Shekhar Home has been crafted to create a captivating world that ensnares viewers right from the first frame. The story’s pace allows for the development of both characters and settings, enabling the audience to be fully immersed in a bygone era.
A Crime-Solving Throwback
Set against the backdrop of the early 1990s, Shekhar Home is a nostalgic nod to a time when crime-solving hinged more on evidence and analytical prowess than on modern technology. The six-episode series is marked by a plot that is crisp yet laced with tension. Shekhar’s razor-sharp wit emerges as his most potent weapon as he navigates a world where danger can lurk around any corner. Each episode unravels a distinct crime, building up to a significant revelation in the finale.
Stellar Performances and Character Development
Initially, the criminal cases in Shekhar Home may appear straightforward. However, the plot thickens with the entry of characters portrayed by Rasika Dugal and Kirti Kulhari. Rasika’s role is particularly nuanced, adding depth to the narrative, whereas Kirti’s portrayal, while compelling, is slightly less convincing. Nonetheless, the heart and soul of the series is KK Menon, who delivers a standout performance. His depiction of Shekhar is eccentric, charming, and delightfully mischievous. Ranveer Shorey, as his associate, complements Menon’s performance admirably.
Supporting Cast and Production
The supporting cast adds further layers to the story, with Shernaz Patel playing the dual role of café owner and landlord, Rudranil Ghosh as the diligent Inspector Laha, and Kaushik Sen as Shekhar’s brother. Each of these actors brings their characters to life, contributing to the overall richness of the series.
Produced by BBC Studio Productions India, the series’ production value is impeccable, perfectly capturing the essence of the 90s. The background score by Joel Crasto enhances the viewing experience, seamlessly blending with the series’ themes and tones. The show concludes on a high note, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the next season.
Final Thoughts
Shekhar Home is a technically proficient series, offering a trip down memory lane, particularly for fans of Sherlock Holmes. KK Menon’s unparalleled acting prowess makes it a must-watch, ensuring that the series resonates with viewers long after the final episode has ended.