In a startling revelation, actor Gurucharan Singh, known for his portrayal of Mr. Roshan Sodhi in the popular Indian television show ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ (TMKOC), accused the show’s makers of removing him without prior notice. Gurucharan Singh, a part of TMKOC since its inception in 2008, made these allegations in an interview with Siddharth Kannan. Singh played the iconic character until 2012, when he discovered his abrupt replacement while watching an episode with his family.
The Shocking Replacement
Gurucharan Singh described the moment he realized he was no longer a part of the show. While watching an episode of ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ at his home in Delhi, Singh noticed a new actor portraying the role of Mr. Sodhi. This episode featured a cameo by veteran actor Dharmendra, which Singh initially celebrated. However, his excitement quickly turned into shock as the new Sodhi made his appearance. Singh’s family, watching the show alongside him, was equally taken aback by the unexpected change.
The Uninformed Decision
Singh expressed his disappointment and betrayal over the lack of communication from the show’s makers. He stated, “At that time, some talks were going on regarding the contract and agreement. They did not even tell me that they are going to replace me.” He revealed that despite ongoing contract negotiations, he was not informed about his replacement, leading to his surprise when he saw the new actor on screen.
Audience Pressure and Support
Following his replacement, Singh faced considerable pressure from the audience, who were unhappy with the change. He shared that people at his gym and other public places would often confront him about his departure. “This is not a joke, you should go back,” Singh recalled people saying, emphasizing the strong connection fans had with his character. He likened the audience’s reaction to being scolded by family members, highlighting the deep emotional bond viewers had formed with his portrayal of Mr. Sodhi.
Similar Fate for Jennifer Mistry
Gurucharan Singh also drew parallels between his experience and that of Jennifer Mistry, who played Mrs. Sodhi in TMKOC. According to Singh, Mistry was also removed from the show without proper notification. This revelation adds another layer to the discussion about the treatment of actors on popular television shows and the challenges they face.
A Return and a New Journey
Despite the initial setback, Gurucharan Singh made a comeback to ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ a year later and continued in his role until 2020, when he decided to quit on his own terms. Recently, Singh was in the news for going missing for about 25 days before returning home. Now back in Mumbai, Singh is actively seeking new opportunities and projects.
The Broader Implications
Singh’s revelations have sparked conversations about the transparency and ethics in the entertainment industry, particularly concerning the treatment of long-standing actors on established shows. His story serves as a reminder of the uncertainties faced by actors and the importance of clear communication in professional relationships.
Gurucharan Singh’s candid disclosure has resonated with many, highlighting the need for change in how actors are treated in the television industry. As he embarks on a new chapter in his career, Singh’s journey continues to inspire discussions on professionalism and respect within the entertainment sector.