Anil Kumble, known for his legendary spin bowling and later as the head coach of Team India, once found himself in an amusing situation during his tenure as coach. Kumble, often away from his family due to cricket tours, shared a romantic message intended for his wife but accidentally sent it to the Indian team’s WhatsApp group. This unexpected mishap led to plenty of laughs among the players.
The Accidental Text That Had Players Teasing Their Coach
The incident came to light during an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, where players Shikhar Dhawan, Suresh Raina, and Hardik Pandya shared the story without explicitly naming Kumble. They recalled how, during a late-night chat, Kumble—missing his wife—sent a loving text saying “Miss You” to the team’s WhatsApp group instead of his wife.
The players, noticing the message, couldn’t resist poking fun at their coach. The next day, during a team meeting, they humorously teased him with responses like “Miss You Too.” Despite the light-hearted banter, Kumble handled the situation with his usual grace, maintaining his rapport with the team.
A Glimpse into Anil Kumble’s Love Story
Anil Kumble’s journey of love with his wife, Chetna Ramatirtha, adds a personal layer to this anecdote. The couple’s story began when Chetna worked at a travel agency. Despite facing challenges in her first marriage, Chetna found support and love in Kumble.
Their relationship wasn’t without struggles. Chetna went through a legal battle for divorce and custody of her daughter before marrying Kumble in 1998. The couple’s commitment to each other has stood the test of time, making this light-hearted moment even more endearing.
Team India’s Bond Under Kumble’s Leadership
During Kumble’s tenure as head coach (June 2016–June 2017), the camaraderie between him and the players was evident. Incidents like these highlight the close-knit relationship he shared with the team, fostering a friendly yet professional environment.
While this oops moment might have caused some initial embarrassment, it’s a reminder of the human side of cricket’s legends, even someone as disciplined as Anil Kumble.