Abdu Rozik, who rose to fame from Bigg Boss 16, was all set to get married. The singer and social media star got engaged just five months ago to a young Emirati woman named Amira. The couple’s engagement took place in Sharjah, UAE, on 24th April 2024, and they were planning to get married on 7th July. But the wedding was postponed because of a boxing match in which Abdu was participating. Unfortunately, he lost that match, and now, the wedding has also been called off.
Cultural differences break Abdu Rozik’s dream marriage plan
In an emotional statement, Abdu Rozik opened up about the reason behind the sudden cancellation of his marriage plans. He shared with ‘ETimes’ that his relationship with Amira faced difficulties due to cultural differences. While their bond grew over time, these differences made it challenging for them to move forward with the marriage. Abdu mentioned, “As our relationship was developing, there were cultural differences in it. So the decision had to be changed.”
The 20-year-old singer from Tajikistan said that although this decision was tough, it was necessary for both of them. He explained that it wasn’t just about love but also about finding a partner who could understand and support his life’s challenges. Abdu has been open about the struggles he faces daily and admitted that he needs someone who can be mentally strong to walk alongside him.
Abdu Rozik remains hopeful about finding love again
Despite the heartbreak, Abdu remains positive. He thanked his fans and well-wishers for their support and said that he believes love will come into his life again when the time is right. He also emphasized that he has reached his position in life through his hard work. While he acknowledged the support of his fans and friends, Abdu gave full credit to himself for his achievements, saying that he has maintained good relationships with everyone he has met along his journey.
For now, Abdu is focusing on his career and remains grateful for the love and encouragement from his supporters.