Bigg Boss, one of India’s most popular reality shows hosted by Salman Khan, is all set to make a comeback with its 18th season. As the excitement builds up, fans are eagerly waiting to know which celebrities will enter the house this time. Among the various names floating around, the one that stands out the most is well-known TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar, who has reportedly been confirmed as a contestant for this season. According to recent reports, Dheeraj has become the highest-paid contestant of Bigg Boss 18.
Dheeraj Dhoopar: The Highest Paid Contestant on Bigg Boss 18?
Famous for his roles in hit TV serials like Sasural Simar Ka and Kundali Bhagya, Dheeraj Dhoopar has earned a huge fan following in the television industry. Recently, it was revealed by media outlets that Dheeraj is expected to receive between Rs 4 crore and Rs 5 crore for his participation in Bigg Boss 18, making him the most expensive contestant on the show.
Dheeraj is no stranger to the limelight, and his inclusion in the house has already created a buzz. Currently, he is seen playing the lead role in Zee TV’s Rab Se Hai Dua, opposite Yesha Rughani. His popularity in the television industry, along with his charming personality, makes him a key contestant to watch this season.
Dheeraj’s Personal Life and Career Highlights
Dheeraj Dhoopar’s journey in the entertainment world began with smaller roles, but he rose to fame through his portrayal of significant characters in popular shows like Sasural Simar Ka and Kundali Bhagya. His performance in these serials earned him a loyal fan base, making him one of the top actors on Indian television.
In his personal life, Dheeraj is married to actress Vinny Arora, and the couple has a two-year-old son. They tied the knot in 2016, and the actor frequently shares glimpses of his family life on social media.
Apart from his successful career, Dheeraj is also recognized for his stylish looks and fashion sense, making him a favorite among young fans.
Other Possible Contestants in Bigg Boss 18
Along with Dheeraj Dhoopar, other names are being discussed as potential contestants for Bigg Boss 18. Some of the names that have emerged include Sameera Reddy, Alis Kaushik, Daljit Kaur, Maxtern, and Shoaib Ibrahim. Although there were reports that Shoaib Ibrahim was approached by the show’s makers, the actor has denied any involvement with the upcoming season.
Natasha Stankovic Not Joining Bigg Boss 18
Another name that created a lot of buzz was Natasha Stankovic, who was rumored to be a part of the show. Natasha, who shares a son named Agastya with cricketer Hardik Pandya, has reportedly turned down the offer due to personal reasons. She has expressed that her son is still very young, and she cannot leave him alone for such an extended period.
Theme for Bigg Boss 18: Past, Present, and Future
Each season, Bigg Boss introduces a unique theme for the house and contestants. While the 17th season focused on ‘Dil, Dimag, aur Dum’, this season’s theme revolves around ‘Past, Present, and Future’. This theme hints that some former contestants might make a return to the Bigg Boss house, making the show even more intriguing for fans.