In the recent episode of Sony TV’s popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) season 16, hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, an emotional interaction took place between the host and a contestant named Akshay Narang from Delhi. Akshay, who is a cancer survivor, shared his inspiring journey of battling the disease, which left the audience and Amitabh Bachchan deeply moved.
Akshay’s Battle with Cancer
Akshay revealed that he was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 during his college years. While his friends were enjoying life, he found himself in hospitals undergoing treatment. He described the difficult phase in his life when his dreams of pursuing art and design seemed shattered due to the illness. He had always been passionate about art and was pursuing design when his world turned upside down with the diagnosis.
Discovery of a Tumor
Akshay shared with the audience, “I was experiencing pain in my knees for some time, so I went to the doctor. After some tests and scans, a tumor the size of a golf ball was discovered.” It was later confirmed through a biopsy that the tumor was cancerous. His treatment, which involved chemotherapy and surgery, lasted nearly two years.
During this time, while his friends were attending college, Akshay spent his days in the hospital. Despite the tough journey, Akshay took it as a life-changing experience that shaped his outlook on life. He recounted a particularly heartbreaking moment when he saw a young child, around 6 or 7 years old, who had to undergo an amputation due to cancer. This experience made him feel both scared and grateful that his condition had not taken such a severe toll on him.
Amitabh Bachchan’s Encouraging Words
To uplift Akshay, Amitabh Bachchan shared his struggles, recalling the times he had been hospitalized due to health issues. In a touching moment, the legendary actor said, “I am sitting in front of you today, but I have also visited the hospital many times. With the blessings of everyone, I have recovered and come out healthy.” His words served as motivation for Akshay and a reminder to the audience that even the biggest challenges in life can be overcome with resilience and the support of loved ones.
KBC: A Show of Inspiration
Kaun Banega Crorepati has been a significant part of Indian television since its inception in 2000. Amitabh Bachchan has been the face of the show, except for the third season, which was hosted by Shahrukh Khan. Over the years, the show has not only offered participants a chance to win life-changing amounts of money but also provided a platform for sharing incredible stories of courage and perseverance. Akshay’s journey is yet another testament to the strength of the human spirit, and his story touched everyone watching.
With moments like these, KBC continues to be more than just a quiz show—it serves as a source of inspiration for millions across the country.