Singer Rahul Vaidya, known for his participation in shows like Bigg Boss 14 and Khatron Ke Khiladi, has revealed that he is suffering from dengue. On the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Rahul informed his fans through Instagram stories about his illness. The singer, currently appearing in the cooking show Laughter Chefs, posted a selfie showing a bandage on his forehead while dealing with a high fever of 104 degrees.
In one of his posts, Rahul shared an update about his health, simply writing “Dengue” to let fans know what he’s going through. Seeing this, his followers expressed concern, especially since he was absent from Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations this year. It seems his health issues have caused him to take a break from his work commitments.
Rahul Vaidya and His Work Life
Despite his illness, Rahul Vaidya has been active on social media. Just a few days before falling sick, on September 7, he shared a video from a brand shoot featuring him and his wife, actress Disha Parmar. Rahul’s extensive career includes more than 2000 live performances. He also gained fame from his stint in Indian Idol, where he finished as the second runner-up.
Impact on His Participation in Laughter Chefs
Rahul’s illness might affect his presence on Laughter Chefs, where he is paired with his good friend Aly Goni. Fans of the singer are hopeful that he recovers soon and returns to the show. Meanwhile, the singer is focusing on resting and recovering from dengue.