In a recent turn of events, renowned actress Roopa Ganguly, best known for portraying Draupadi in the classic TV show Mahabharat, has been detained by the Kolkata Police. Ganguly was arrested while protesting outside Bansdroni Police Station following the unfortunate death of a 14-year-old boy in a construction accident.
Tragic Death Sparks Public Outcry
The incident began when a young boy was reportedly killed by a construction machine in Bansdroni, Kolkata. The tragic event led to public outrage, and Ganguly, who is known for her social activism, joined the protest demanding justice for the boy and accountability for those involved. She emphasized that her intention was not to disrupt public order but to advocate for the rights of the child and his family.
Ganguly stated, “I was not there to harass anyone; I only wanted to ensure that those responsible for the boy’s death faced justice.” However, the protest soon escalated as five individuals were arrested for allegedly assaulting the police officers on duty.
Why Was Roopa Ganguly Detained?
According to Kolkata Police Commissioner Manoj Kumar Verma, Ganguly was asked to disperse from the area multiple times. Despite repeated requests, she refused to leave. The police stated that Ganguly was demanding the release of those arrested in connection with the protest and the assault on the officers. Verma added, “Legal actions are in place for such matters, and if she had any grievances, the court was an option for seeking relief.”
The police charged Ganguly with obstructing their work and arrested her on these grounds. She was then taken into custody and later presented in court.
From Draupadi to Social Activist
Roopa Ganguly rose to fame in the late 1980s with her role as Draupadi in Mahabharat, a character who symbolized resilience and bravery. Over the years, she has become a prominent figure, not only in television but also in public life, taking on various social causes. Her arrest has ignited discussions on social media, with many rallying behind her, while others debate the methods used in her protest.
As Ganguly’s involvement in social issues continues to grow, so does her public influence. While the court proceedings will determine her legal standing, this incident further cements her role as an advocate for justice, willing to stand up against perceived injustices, even if it means facing personal consequences.