At the screening of Ananya Pandey’s new series Call Me Bae, many Bollywood celebrities were present, but Shweta Tiwari and her daughter, Palak Tiwari, grabbed the spotlight. Alongside big names like Sara Ali Khan, Suhana Khan, and Kartik Aaryan, the mother-daughter duo attracted attention from both fans and the paparazzi. While Shweta and Palak have often been compared for their looks, this time the conversation took a different turn.
People Compare Shweta and Palak’s Looks
Videos from the event show Shweta and Palak posing together, and many online users were quick to point out their similarities. Some people commented that Shweta and Palak look more like sisters than mother and daughter. Others even asked who the mother is between the two, with many praising Shweta for looking young and beautiful. One fan humorously commented, “Shweta is the ‘Santoor soap wali mummy’ – she never seems to age.”
However, some comments went too far, with users stating that “what Shweta has, Palak does not.” This kind of comparison drew mixed reactions online. Some praised Shweta for her looks but indirectly criticized Palak, creating a discussion around how people compare women based on appearance.
Fans Defend Palak and Criticize Comparisons
As more people began comparing the mother-daughter duo, some fans came forward to defend Palak and Shweta. One user wrote, “Both are beautiful in their own ways, and it’s unfair to compare them.” Another said, “This is an insult to the daughter. How can people compare a daughter with her mother? They are both unique.”
Many fans expressed that such comparisons are unnecessary and that both Shweta and Palak have their charm. Some also pointed out that the focus should be on celebrating their bond rather than comparing their looks.
Shweta’s Journey as a Single Mother
Shweta Tiwari’s personal life has been full of challenges, but she has raised her children, Palak and Reyansh, with strength. Shweta was first married to Raja Chaudhary, and together they have a daughter, Palak. After their divorce in 2007, Shweta married Abhinav Kohli in 2013, and they have a son, Reyansh. However, after their separation, Shweta has been raising both her children alone, becoming a role model for many women.
The public continues to admire Shweta for her resilience and love for her children, but debates around her appearance alongside Palak show how deeply rooted appearance-based comparisons are in celebrity culture.